Quest update and QI 101

This past June, seven agencies embarked on their quality improvement (QI) journey with Quest as part of cohort 4 of the Quality Improvement (QI) cohort program. Guided by their coaches, these teams are building their capacity for QI through the Lean Six Sigma methodology and progressing through the different stages of the DMAIC framework (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control). 

The journey began with a series of Lean Six Sigma White Belt training sessions to provide them with the basics of the methodology, allowing them to participate as active team members. Through the summer, 35 agency Quest project team members received their White Belt certification from our coaching team.  

The first step in their QI projects, is the Define phase, a critical stage in the project where teams determine what needs to be worked on, and they scope it to something manageable. After a busy summer, all seven cohort 4 teams began working in the Define phase. This phase is the longest in the project, as time spent planning ensures success in the later stages. One of the key QI tools used in this phase is the 5W2H, which stands for Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, and How much (or often). This tool is invaluable for gathering information and understanding the problem. 

This year, we are observing a maturation within the sector’s approach to QI. Teams are engaging with us earlier in the process and with novel ideas of what to tackle in their QI efforts. We are seeing more design-thinking within their projects, and the customization of Lean Six Sigma tools to meet their needs. 

Please visit our website for more information regarding our quality improvement supports and our Quest program.